Wednesday, November 7, 2007


My visa is back, my plane ticket purchased. Now I am rushing around, getting all my stuff together. Why i didn't prepare earlier is a mystery to me. At any rate, my plane leaves on monday, and I will arrive at ile-ife... um, later that week.


Anonymous said...

Hey Son!
Heard you arrived ok (via Hough's). Thinking of you, and looking forward to reading this blog. Love, Mom & Dad

Ashleigh said...

well eric I hadn't thought to check your blog in a while and i was expecting it to have lots of new blogs and come to find out I have learned nothing new about your life overseas! You must be busy or not bored enough yet!

Anonymous said...

To everyone waiting for Eric to "blog"...He is having trouble getting on the internet. He is doing well,and has already seen two surgeries. If he can't use this blog easily, we'll work out some other way to get info to all his friends--like sending me messages to send to his email distribution list. So, don't give up on him...
Bev Steinman (Mom)

Ashleigh said...

Well I am glad to hear that he is doing well and I would love to get his e-mails if he ends up sending them to you Mrs. Steinman! Just let me know!

Anonymous said...

Hi again to all Eric's friends,
Eric sends his greetings to you all, and looks forward to being able to communicate soon. In a phone call today, he let me know that they are working on the internet access and hope to go from impossible to merely very slow. When that happens he will figure out what works best to send messages.

He has had the chance to shadow a gastroenterologist, and spend some time in the ER. He is impressed at the "extremes" of medicine that he is seeing--telling a woman she is HIV positive, with no treatment available, a baby dying within 24 hours of admission, a child taken back home by parents, even though he needed admission for pneumonia, because of the potential cost.

It sounds to Doug and I like Eric will see more severe disease in his few months there, than most of us see in our whole medical careers.

I'm sure there will be much more to come...

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, from what I've heard so far, it sounds like you're going to get see some pretty extreme things. Just remember that you are amazing and we all miss you back here in the states. You are going to come home with many memories and some amazing experiences! P.S. Don't burn too badly buddy!

Anonymous said...

Hi again,
If you haven't seen my posting on Eric's MySpace...he is giving up on using the hospital's internet. He tried for 1 1/2 hours on Sunday, and couldn't get through. He will try to go to an internet cafe this week and get an email out to friends.
No other big news. Still doing well. I posted his snail mail address on MySpace, too.
More if I hear, but hope he will be posting for himself soon!!
Bev Steinman